Welcome to
the Medical Center - University of Freiburg!Our Medical Center has a long and rich history. Some of the most famous doctors in the world have worked here, four of which were Nobel Prize winners for achievements in medical science. The medical faculty of the medical center can be traced back to 1457, thus making it one of the oldest and most distinguished faculties in Germany.
The Medical Center - University of Freiburg offers ready access to world-class medical treatment. Its focus lies on novel diagnostic procedures and treatments, and the latest findings in clinical and biomedical research are applied. Our hospital delivers top-quality care by interdisciplinary specialist teams and an active commitment to personalized care in an ambience of comfort and convenience.
International Medical Services (IMS): Department for International Patients
As a special department of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg, we offer you personalized service and top-level care. IMS handles all organizational tasks for patients coming from abroad for treatment in Germany. Read more...
We will be happy to help you. We welcome you to our international family!

Sincerely yours,
Doris Haltmair,
Head of the International Medical Services and Business Development