Magnetom Sola MRI System (Siemens)

A new generation of scanners that allows a full range of radiologic examinations to be performed in the shortest possible time.
Patients no longer have to hold their breath during MRI examination, and BioMatrix system allows scanning protocols to be customized to the patient's anatomy.
Medical Director of the Department of Radiology at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Fabian Bamberg explains: "This 1.5 Tesla scanner is Siemens' flagship with the highest image resolution. It is one of the most advanced systems on the market. With BioMatrix technology, all individual body features can be taken into account. The diameter of the SOLA MRI tube is 70 cm and the noise level is significantly lower than usual."
As a nice bonus, the first patients noted the magnificent panoramic picture of Freiburg in the MRI room.
"Both staff and patients - we are all enthusiastic. We are now able to obtain higher quality images for all patients much faster thanks to the integrated artificial intelligence," says Prof. Bamberg.
Please find more information here.