Small Cuts for Painless Steps

Smaller incisions mean less pain for patients after an operation. Minimally invasive surgery has arrived in foot surgery now.
The smaller the incisions, the less pain patients experience after an operation. This has become common knowledge and been adopted in many surgical fields. Now, minimally invasive surgery has also arrived in foot surgery. It has been shown that in some cases, complex stabilization techniques can be avoided and the bone can still heal well. Such procedures are performed with great success at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg.
“A very nice and vivid example is the treatment of hollow and buckled flat feet using a varus or valgus osteotomy of the heel bone,” explains Professor Schmal, Medical Director of the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery at the Medical Centre - University of Freiburg. In this procedure, the bone is cut and the Achilles tendon attachment is shifted inwards or outwards. In the past, plates were used here, which caused significant soft tissue damage. As a result, wound healing disorders occurred time and again. With the new minimally invasive technique, only three small stab incisions are needed, the operation time is halved, and wound infections are practically unheard of.
“In addition, patients experience significantly less pain afterwards. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer this important advance in surgical technique for your pain-free steps. Despite the increasing use of high-tech medicine, we still put people first.”