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New Surgical Robot Optimizes Complex Operations

© Medical Center - University of Freiburg

February: Innovative surgical robot makes highest precision minimally invasive operations possible at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg/ First clinical use in Baden-Württemberg.




Precise and gentle: the Medical Center - University of Freiburg is the first clinical institution in Baden-Württemberg to use the modern da Vinci “Single Port” system, an advanced surgical robot designed to support minimally invasive procedures. With the new system, which is a further development of robotic technology in use at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg since 2020, surgeries can now be performed through a single access point – either via a small skin incision, or natural orifices. The aim is to further reduce the burden on patients, accelerate healing, as well as enable complex procedures in areas of the body that are anatomically difficult to reach.

“The new system enables us to perform complex procedures not only with greater precision but also in a more ergonomic way. This is an important step in the further development of minimally invasive surgery and in providing patients with the best possible care,” says Prof. Dr. Christian Gratzke, Medical Director of the Department of Urology at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg. Prof. Gratzke successfully performed the first operation using the new system on February 3, 2025. “In particular, we can operate in much smaller anatomical areas and thus work even more gently. This means that patients will be able to leave the hospital sooner after the procedure.”

Precision and safety

Surgical robots do not work autonomously, but are precisely controlled by specially trained doctors who operate the instruments and camera via a console. The new system extends existing robot technology with a single-port approach. It was developed specifically for procedures where conventional systems reach their limits – for example, in operations in confined anatomical spaces. With only a 4 cm incision, surgical instruments and a camera can be inserted into the body. 3D imaging provides high-resolution views, while ergonomic control reduces stress on the surgical team. In addition to precision, safety is a priority: the patient cart and flexible instruments are designed to enable precise movements and maximize tissue protection.

Wide range of application

The new system is used in various departments at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg: the Department of Urology, the Department of Thoracic Surgery (Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Bernward Passlick), the Department of General and Visceral Surgery (Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Stefan Fichtner-Feigl) and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Ingolf Juhasz-Böss).
