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Treatment of skin cancer in Germany

Skin cancer is a malignant degeneration of skin. Most often, this type of cancer affects people over 50 years of age. Factors of skin cancer development are hereditary predisposition, long-term exposure of the skin to various toxic substances, strong and prolonged irradiation with ultraviolet as well as direct sun rays. Skin cancer is mainly affecting open areas of the skin and face.

Typical symptoms of skin cancer are:

  • long unhealed, bleeding wounds, ulcers;
  • birthmark, increasing in size and changing color;
  • indistinct, uneven towering nodules with a tendency to grow;
  • not passing inflammation, itchy skin.

Having found one or more of the listed symptoms, one should immediately consult a doctor, since timely detected cancer increases the chances of a quick recovery.

German oncologists carry out a qualified approach to the treatment of skin cancer. Diagnosticians, surgeons, oncologists, dermatologists, radiation oncologists, immunologists, psychologists work side by side, actively engaged in complex therapy of malignant skin tumors.