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Diseases of the Tendons

Stenosing Tenosynovitis a.k.a. Trigger Finger

Especially when the hand is used a lot in everyday life this can lead to a thickening of the tendons. The thickened tendons then rub in their tendon sheaths, which worsens the condition and leads to swelling and pain of the affected tendon. If the pulleys of the flexor tendons are involved, an inability to stretch and snapping of the affected finger may occur. This is called the “trigger finger.” The term tenosynovitis is somewhat misleading because it is not a bacterial or viral infection which causes the condition, but an irritation caused by overexertion.

Duration of treatment

Approx. 20 minutes




1 week

Tendon Sheath Surgery

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and under local or regional anesthesia. A 1-2 cm incision over the affected tendon sheath is performed. Protecting important neighboring structures such as nerves and vessels the tendon sheath is opened and space is created for the tendon.

After the operation

The bandage is removed on the following day, after which a Band-Aid is sufficient. The hand should be held in an elevated position for a few days and spared from strenuous activity. After 3-4 days all activities are allowed. The removal of the skin thread takes place after approx. 10 days. Sick leave depends on the type of work, but one week is usually sufficient.