
Welcome to the Department of Orthodontics at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg. We are one of four departments at the Center for Dental Medicine, offering all dental services at one location.
We offer you exquisite customer service and personalized care in the entire field of orthodontics, including interdisciplinary treatment, in a friendly, familiar and gentle atmosphere.
Medical orthodontic care of high quality from infancy to advanced adulthood is our highest priority. As a patient you will always receive customized diagnostics and treatment aligned to your special needs and/or those of your children.
With innovative treatment approaches and interdisciplinary cooperation with other specialities of dentistry and medicine (e.g. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontology, Dental Prosthetics, Phoniatric and Pedaudiology, Physiotherapy), we also provide various options as regards special corrections in complex dentofacial deformities, in growing patients with skeletal and dental developmental disorders (e.g. displaced canines), as well as in adults with degenerative alterations (e.g. teeth compromised due to periodontitis), including diagnostic procedures and treatment of the craniomandibular joint.
Diagnostics & Treatment

One of our special points of focus is clinical application of temporary skeletal anchorage devices (palatal implants, bone anchors, cortical screws) in critical anchorage situations. In this field as well, we have extensive clinical experience and a high level of national and international expertise.
Orthodontic treatment for infants, children and adolescents:
- Patients with cleft lip and palate
- Craniofacial diseases (syndromes)
- Early orthodontic treatment
- Functional orthodontics
- General shaping of dental arches - removable and fixed
- Alignment of impacted and displaced teeth
- Orthodontic space closure
- Orthodontic treatment after dentoalveolar trauma and/or trauma to the craniomandibular joint
- Prophylaxis and nutritional counselling
Orthodontic treatment in adults – aesthetics, function and prevention of tooth loss:
- Orthodontic treatment in combination with orthognathic surgery
- Correction of crowding in upper and/or lower front teeth
- Alignment of impacted and displaced teeth
- Orthodontic space closure
- Orthodontic treatment in the parodontally compromised dentiton
- Pre-surgical, -prosthetic and -implantological shaping of dental arches
- Diagnostics and treatment of the craniomandibular joint
- Prophylaxis and nutritional counselling
- "Invisible" Orthodontics (e.g. Lingual Orthodontics, Invisalign, Essix)