Complementary Medicine

The Center for Complementary Medicine of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg is one of the largest University based institutions in this field in Europe with patients from all over the world. It has an outpatient department and two research units (clinical research, laboratory research). Patients with chronic diseases are provided expert based recommendations and treatments in Complementary Medicine.
Annually, about 6,000 patient consultations are performed, mainly for patients with cancer, autoimmune disorders, chronic hepatitis, chronic diseases of the digestive tract and allergic diseases. The treatments are adjusted to the individual needs. The medical doctors of the Center for Complementary medicine are experts for both, conventional therapy (specialists in general medicine, internal medicine, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pain treatment) and complementary therapy.
Diagnostic & Treatment Services
Careful consideration is given to taking the patient’s medical history in a detailed personal interview followed by a physical examination. One of the principal diagnostic methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the inspection of the tongue and pulse.
Diagnostic equipment:
- High-resolution colour-coded ultrasound scanner
- 12-channel ECG machine
- Assessment of respiratory function by means of body plethysmography
- Laboratory: all the options currently available today
- Vegetative regulation diagnostics used in classical complementary medicine and Chinese medicine
Allergies and skin diseases (hay fever, neurodermatitis)
- Augmented acupuncture
- Autohemotherapy
- Conversational therapy
- Nutrition therapy
Respiratory diseases (recurrent and asthmatic bronchitis, infections susceptibility)
- Anthroposophical medicine, also as injection treatment
- Autohemotherapy
- Homeopathy
- Lifestyle regulation therapy
- Nutrition therapy
- Phytotherapy
Heart and circulatory diseases (high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome (obesity))
- Group support and practical guidance
- Nutrition therapy and relaxation therapy (regulation therapy)
Gastrointestinal diseases (inflammatory bowel disease, hepatitis B/C, irritable bowel syndrome)
- Classical acupuncture
- Nutritional medicine
- Phytotherapy
Gynecological diseases (menopause, menstrual cycle problems, infertility)
- Acupuncture
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Homeopathy
- Phytotherapy
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Antioxidant balance
- Fever therapy hyperthermia (locoregional radiofrequency hyperthermia)
- Individualized intratumoral mistletoe therapy (also sonographically steered)
- Nutritional therapy
- Phytotherapeutic adjuvant complementary therapy in cancer
Psychosomatic disorders (anxiety, chronic fatigue syndromes, depression)
- Acupuncture
- Chinese medicine
- Cupping
- Homeopathy
- Phytotherapy
Pain (fibromyalgia, headache, rheumatic diseases)
- Injection therapy
- Nutrition therapy
- Neural therapy
- Regulation therapy
- Phytotherapy
- 6,000 patient consultations per year
- “Holzschuh Preis" for complementary medicine 2014
- One of the largest University based institutions for Complementary Medicine in Europe