Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Anesthesiology is an integral part of health care delivery. An experienced team of highly qualified anesthetists in our clinic will care for your well-being during your surgery and stay in the intensive care unit. Our team consists of physicians, nurses and support staff who have received top training and have specialized knowledge, skills and experience. Their goal is to make your treatment as convenient and comfortable as possible for you.
The Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care is responsible for the well-being of more than 32,000 patients per year. The Department is also actively involved in scientific developments in the field of medical technologies and offers a distance learning Master’s program called Physikalisch-Technische Medizin.
Diagnostic & Treatment Services

Medical services are provided for every type of surgery or diagnostic intervention.
- General anesthesia (medically induced coma, full body anesthesia)
- Local anesthesia (specific parts of the body)
- Regional anesthesia (larger regions of the body, including epidurals, spinal anesthesia, and peripheral nerve blocks)
Intensive Care Medicine
- Full range of intensive care services
- Extracorporeal Lung Assist System (ECLA)
- Every kind of organ-replacement therapy
- Air rescue and transport for intensive care patients
Pain Therapy
- Chronic pain syndrome treatment
- Neuropathic pain
- Cancer pain syndrome treatment

Our physicians
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bürkle
Medical Director
Dr. Alexander Benner
Dr. Christoph Jäger
Dr. Tobias Broß
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heinrich
Dr. Maika Biever
Dr. Joachim Bansbach
Prof. Dr. Alexander Hötzel
Dr. Frank Humburger
Dr. Johannes Kalbhenn
Dr. Heike Kaltofen
Dr. Vadim Kehm
Prof. Dr. Torsten Loop
Dr. Klaus Offner
Dr. Axel Schmutz
PD Dr. Christian Schwer
Dr. Anu Maria Huotari
Dr. Daniel Leitz
Prof. Dr. Nils Schallner
Dr. Alexander Grimm
PD Dr. Martin Schick
Dr. Axel Semmelmann
PD Dr. Johannes Spaeth
PD Dr. med. Felix Ulbrich