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Operative Dentistry and Periodontology

Welcome to the Department of Operative Dentistry and Periodontology at the Medical Center - University of Freiburg. We provide services in general dental care for children and adults, concentrating primarily on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of carious lesions, diseases of the periodontium (Periodontology) and the pulp (Endodontics).

The practice of conservative restorative dentistry includes the treatment of malformed, discoloured or fractured teeth and replacement or repair of existing restorations with special esthetical considerations such as tooth-coloured restorations (fillings) and bleaching.

Diagnostic & Treatment

Our area of expertise is the preventive and restorative dentistry. During a first dental examination, the demand for further treatments can be determined and a treatment plan will be developed. Carious and traumatic lesions and malformed teeth can be restored minimal-invasive with tooth-coloured composite or ceramics. If requested, bleaching can be applied to brighten discoloured teeth.

Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth`s pulp and the periapical tissues. Endodontic therapy for the pulp results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. Root canal treatment is based on the removal of inflamed and infected pulp tissue. The treatment consists of shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of the root canal system with tiny files and irrigating solutions, and the filling of the decontaminated canals. Most of the procedures can be conducted completely painless. Occasionally with any dental or medical procedure a tooth will not heal completely after the first treatment. In these cases teeth need a complicated and time-consuming endodontic retreatment (secondary treatment). Our endodontic specialists apply the current concepts in order to optimally perform a root canal treatment.

The main focus of the Section of Periodontology is to maintain the periodontal health of the patient. At the beginning of the treatment oral hygiene motivation, information and instruction are combined with professional tooth cleaning. Deep periodontal pockets can be treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy (scaling and root-planing) to remove subgingival calculus. In cases of aggressive forms of periodontitis adjunctive systemic antibiotic therapy can improve the clinical conditions and the microbiological status of the periodontal patient. If inflammation persists, surgical treatment (periodontal surgery) should be performed to expose the root surfaces for proper cleaning. In some situations regenerative materials can be used. Afterwards an adequate maintenance care program is important for a good long-term treatment outcome. Marginal tissue recession with exposure of the root surface is often an aesthetic problem for the patient. With different surgical techniques (periodontal plastic surgery) and grafting procedures we can achieve a good coverage of the exposed root.

We also offer a broad range of paediatric dental treatments. We are specialized in the dental treatment of patients with Epidermolysis bullosa, often in association with the competence centre for Epidermolysis bullosa which is situated within the Department of Dermatology, and have the possibility to use general anaesthesia for these patients. Furthermore, we especially focus on the restorative treatment of genetic or acquired dental anomalies.

Our physicians

  • Prof. Dr. Fabian Cieplik

    Medical Director

  • Prof. Dr. Karl-Thomas Wrbas

  • Prof. Dr. Nadine Schlüter

  • Prof. Dr. Markus Altenburger

  • Prof. Dr. Petra Hahn

  • Prof. Dr. Olga Polydorou

  • Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger