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Video-EEG monitoring

The best way to define the form of epileptic seizures and their connection with the seizure pattern is the use of digital synchronous recording of the epileptic seizures’ signs and electroencephalogram (EEG). The Medical Center – University of Freiburg has the following at its disposal:

  • 7 units for continuous 24 hour-video-EEG monitoring with digital HD video;
  • 64 - 256 recording channels per recording unit;
  • Use of scalp electrodes, sphenoidal electrodes, foramen ovale electrodes, subdural strip/grid electrodes and depth electrodes (SEEG);
  • Sampling rates of 0.01 Hz-10 kilohertz;
  • Opportunity of EEG reformatting, digital filtering, frequency response analysis, Wavelet-analysis for spike and seizure detection;
  • Source localization based on realistic head models;
  • Nonlinear analysis of time series of EEG electrical stimulation for functional mapping of cerebral cortex surface;
  • Intraoperative electrocorticography.