
The Department of Neuroradiology offers all diagnostic examinations, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), angiography (examination of the vessels), and myelography (examination of the vertebral canal), performed by a caring staff with state of the art technology, which contributes to the patients’ fast recovery and return to normal life.
Diagnostic & Treatment Services
When treating defects of the vessels of the brain, head and neck and vertebral spine with the use of a catheter inserted through the inguinal artery an occlusion of angiomas or fistulas is performed. Also aneurysms (bulging vessel wall) of brain arteries are non surgically treated by occluding with platinum coils admitted by catheter. In the same manner, narrowed arteries are expanded with the help of a balloon catheter and stabilized with the help of a metal prosthesis, a so-called stent. Such treatment averts strokes. Even cancerous tumors can be treated with the help of intra-arterial chemotherapy or vessel occluding substances applicated directly through catheters into the tumor vessels.
Another sphere of expertise of the Department of Neuroradiology is the treatment of chronic pains in the vertebral spine, pelvis, and limbs. Assisted by computed tomography, medicine is inserted with the help of a narrow needle into the area of pain. Through this puncture, substitute bone substances are injected, thus stabilizing the vertebrae affected by osteoporosis. This not only reduces pain, but also prevents fractures and eliminates the need for vertebral spine surgery.
- Diagnostic radiology
- Computer tomography
- CT perfusion
- CT angiography
- CT myelography
- 3D imaging - Magnetic resonance tomography
- Functional MRI (fMRI)
- Diffusion and perfusion imaging
- MR angiography
- MR spectroscopy
- 3D imaging - Angiography (vascular imaging)
- Functional angiography
- Wada-test
- Venous blood samples in the cavernous sinus - Myelography
- Epilepsy diagnostics
- Neuroradiology for children
- Teleradiological second opinion
- Endovascular interventions/minimally-invasive therapy:
► Vasoocclusive therapies
- Embolization of aneurysms
- Embolization of arteriovenous vascular deformities
- Embolization of venous deformities
- Embolization of vascularized tumors
► Vessel-widening therapies
- Recanalization of acute vessel occulsion
- Reopening of a constricted vessel (stent supported PTA, vasodilatation)
- Reopening of constricted veins
- CT-controlled pain treatment:
- Blockages of the facets
- Blockage of the root
- Sympathetic blocks
- Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty
- CT-controlled punctures of lesions of the spinal column
Three MRIs

© Siemens
A 1.5 Tesla Siemens Magnetom Avanto, on which all kinds of neuroradiological examinations of the head, vessels, spine, neuroplexus and musculature are carried out.

© Siemens
A 3 Tesla Siemens Magnetom Tim Trio, on which all kinds of neuroradiological examinations of the head, vessels, neuroplexus and musculature are carried out. In addition, functional (fMRI), anatomical (fiber tracking) and quantitative brain examinations are performed.

© Siemens
A 3 Tesla Siemens Magnetom PRISMA, on which all kinds of neuroradiological examinations of the head, vessels, neuroplexus and musculature are carried out. In addition, functional (fMRI), anatomical (fiber tracking) and quantitative brain examinations are performed.
Two CT scanners

© Siemens
A Siemens Somatom Definition AS with 64 lines, on which all kinds of neuroradiological examinations of the head and spine are carried out. In particular, vascular display can take place with high temporal and local resolution.

© Siemens
A Siemens Somatom Sensation with 16 lines, on which all kinds of neuroradiological examinations of the head and spine, including pain therapy interventions, are carried out in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Pain Center (Link).
Two Angiography systems

© Philips
A Philips Allura Xper FD20/20 with a two-level tube configuration and flat-panel CT system capable of displaying 3D images. All kinds of neuroradiological vascular displays and endovascular interventions such as embolizations and recanalizations are carried out.

© Siemens
A Siemens Axiom Artis with a single-level tube configuration, on which myelographies are mostly carried out.