Gynecological Oncology
and premalignant gynecological lesions
The Division of Gynecologic Oncology serves as a major referral center for the diagnosis and treatment of premalignant lesions and gynecological malignancies. The Division members are a team of gynecologic oncologist physicians, gynecologists, study nurses and a team of residents. In addition to the gynecologic oncologist team, the patient care team includes the referring physician, medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, nutritionists, palliative care physicians, pain specialists, study nurses and researchers.
What we offer
Patients with suspected gynecological cancer or patients who are already under treatment for a gynecological malignancy are seen in our specialist’s clinic. After appropriate examination and diagnostics, every patient gets discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting of specialists, including medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, nutritionists, palliative care physicians, pain specialists, study nurses and researchers. This approach ensures up-to-date and transparent medicine in order to provide the best personalized therapy available.
In close cooperation with the department of Radiology we offer all modern radiological techniques including MRI and PET CT scans.
Minimally Invasive Techniques
We provide access to the latest minimally invasive techniques, e.g. sentinel lymph node mapping for vulvar, cervical and endometrial cancer. Minimal invasive surgery is performed whenever possible, e.g. for pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection or surgery for endometrial or cervical cancer.
Our surgeons are certified as specialists in gyaecological oncology treatment. New surgical techniques as the sentinel technique for endometrial, vulvar or cervical cancer as well as nerve-sparing surgical techniques in cervical cancer are offered to cancer patients. Despite our long-lasting experience we strive to improve our skills every day.
Academic Studies
The Division of Gynecologic Oncology has a national and international reputation for its work in clinical and basic research on gynecologic cancers. Please visit for more information on our published research.
Radiation Therapy
Patients with locally advanced cervical cancer are treated with image-guided 3-dimensional radiotherapy. Whole pelvic and abdominal external beam radiation, as well as brachytherapy for patients with endometrial, cervical or vulvar cancer is offered as well. In some cases, we also use intraoperative radiation techniques.
The division has also an outpatient chemotherapy section where the latest chemotherapy antiangiogenetic or antihormonal treatment care is provided to our patients. If possible patients are encouraged to participate in randomized clinical trials.
Quality of Life
We are aware of the importance of quality of life in times of cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. We advise you how to maintain a satisfying quality of life despite your cancer diagnosis. We care for your well-being and offer psychooncological and social support to have a good life with and after gynaecological cancer.