Urotechnology / Endourology
Medical-related technologies are currently undergoing extremely dynamic development. The field of medical technology is thus recognized as being particularly innovative, fast-growing and promising. This includes diverse systems and procedures that can be employed in various areas of patient care.
Surgery, including urology, is seen as a very special form of medical treatment. In our profession, diseases are cured via anatomical corrections (i.e. operations). Accordingly, instruments and equipment are required to make possible and facilitate this procedure. For the surgeon it is therefore crucial that the patient's treatment process is associated with the best technical advances. So technological development and innovation are the foundations of modern surgical medicine.

Medical technology issues as well as related research and development projects are the cornerstones of urology as a surgical discipline, and again are reflected directly in their innovation potential. The Urotechnology Section of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg, based on an international network of academic and non-academic institutions and industrial partners, deals with complex high-end research work in the field of urological medical technology.
Our goal is to have this research project take place within a structured and coordinated framework. The concept of an inter- and transdisciplinary Urotechnology Section fulfills these requirements perfectly. At the same time it also bridges the gap between technological development and practice (i.e. doctors).
- Structured exploitation of new medical-technical technologies
- Institutionalized interface between industry and medicine
- Technology transfer
- Its own clinical-scientific program with around 30 current research projects
(including 3 large, publicly-funded projects (BMBF) - Close cooperation with national and international research centers and industrial partners
Endourology is a special form of minimally invasive surgery. In this, endoscopes are employed to make various diagnostic and therapeutic interventions on urological organs. Special imaging devices are generally used, via which the target structures can be accessed in a gentle manner. The patient recovers quickly afterwards and the body undergoes little strain.
Continuous development of the equipment, especially in terms of optical systems (from rod lenses to fiber optics, for flexible devices the latest generation "on-tip" digital cameras, video endoscopy), as well as optimization of the ratio of the outer diameter to the working channels (improved irrigation flow) led to dramatic advances in endourology. Through these and other modifications, new fields of treatment and indication could be developed. Nowadays, most problems in the urological field can be treated in a gentle and minimally invasive way.
We offer modern, high-end methods for treatment of diseases of the urethra, prostate, bladder, ureter and kidney.

However, minimally invasive methods do have their limitations. Furthermore, the frequently changing scientific data must also be taken into account in treatment decisions. It is therefore crucial to determine the individual treatment path in dialogue with the patient. Our team has broad clinical and scientific expertise as well as in-depth operational expertise. We rely on extensive, preoperative investigation and tailored therapy with the highest level of precision and safety.
- Imaging devices (endoscopes) for diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases
- As a rule, gentle treatment and quick recovery
- Use of modern, high-end equipment and innovative surgical techniques
Well suited for the treatment of urinary stones, bladder tumors, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urethral strictures, ureteral constrictions as well as for diagnosis of the entire urinary tract