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Ganglion Cyst Removal

These are cysts arising from joints or tendons which can occur anywhere on the hand and at any age. They can lead to pain during movements.

Duration of treatment

Approx. 30 minutes




1-2 weeks

Ganglion Cyst Surgery

Ganglion cysts are removed under local or regional anesthesia. The cyst is exposed and, protecting important neighboring structures, completely removed.

After the operation

The bandage is removed on the following day, after which a Band-Aid is sufficient. The hand should be held in an elevated position for a few days and spared from strenuous activity. Depending on the affected joint we sometimes recommend splinting of the wrist for one week. The removal of the skin thread takes place after approx. 10 days. Sick leave depends on the type of work, but one or two weeks are usually sufficient.