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Varicose veins


Varicose veins are a disease of the surface veins, the vena saphena magna and vena saphena parva, especially on the legs. Varicose veins are baggy, nodular enlarged veins, occurring more frequently in women than in men, and are divided into two types according to their pathogenesis: primary and secondary varicose veins. Aside from the lower extremities, they can also develop in the venous plexus of the spermatic cord in men (varicocele) and during pregnancy in the vulva (vulva varices) in women. Those affected have a number of treatments and therapeutic measures available. Untreated varicose veins can lead to serious complications.

Venous diseases belong to the medical field of phlebology which deals with diseases of the blood vessels. This subarea includes preventive measures, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of venous diseases, including thrombosis.

The symptoms of varicose veins can be subtle, as they are initially accompanied by feelings of heaviness or tension, often worsened by heat. Itching and leg cramps at night may also indicate incipient varicosity. In advanced stages edema can develop, the thickened veins stand out clearly on the skin surface, there will be fluid retention, discoloration or other changes (stasis dermatitis), hardening (induration) of the skin or even the formation of ulcers (venous ulcers). Pain on the other hand is rare - this is one of the reasons why the disease is often diagnosed only at an advanced stage.