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    Nutrition for cancer: simple tips instead of dangerous diets [28.09.2017]

    Many cancer diets promise to starve or fight the tumor. But often they themselves are dangerous. Cancer patients can benefit enormously from a suitable diet...


    Freiburg Professor in Visceral Surgery in Kyiv [13.09.2017]

    Prof. Dr. Stefan Fichtner-Feigl, Medical Director of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery, will be a guest speaker at the Kyiv Global Surgery Congress ’17...


    Tips for restful sleep [29.08.2017]

    Sleep is important for your physical, mental and emotional development. But what if you don't sleep through the night, have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up far too early? An expert from Freiburg knows some helpful tips.


    Specialist hand surgery could help millions of people [15.08.2017]

    Interview with Prof. Dr. Björn Stark, Medical Director of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg.


    Hair loss: When the jungle gets thinner [03.08.2017]

    Every third man and every tenth woman suffers from hair loss. "In order to recognize true hair loss, one should simply look at four factors over a prolonged period of time".


    With poisoning, don't panic [27.07.2017]

    In case of poisoning a hasty or wrong action can be more dangerous than the actual poisoning.


    Periodontitis: What to do if your mouth hurts and bleeds [11.07.2017]

    Many of those affected by periodontitis wait too long for treatment - and risk serious damage.


    Relief for the intestine [01.07.2017]

    To many patients, an ileostomy sounds like a huge hindrance. But with the right approach it can provide regularity and security.


    When hormones prevent pregnancy [14.06.2017]

    For women who suffer from PCO syndrome and want to become pregnant, a hormone treatment is available that restarts ovulation.


    Is gluten-free food harmful to healthy people? [01.06.2017]

    More and more people are intentionally eating gluten-free. For patients with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, this sort of diet is essential. Healthy people do not benefit – on the contrary.
